Nia Training

I had the great fortune to take all my belts with Debbie and Carlos Rosas in Portland.



I have been teaching Nia for the past 14 years, since 2007 as a  licensed Brown Belt. I find true expression of spirit in the joy of movement and love witnessing the visible transformation in my students.
My classes are listed on the Nia Website —>Find Nia —>Find a Teacher  —> Santa Barbara, CA —> Gabi


Nia tones your mind and tunes your body. Each workout brings mindfulness to your dance movement experience leaving you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.

Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit in 60 minutes – body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Nia is practiced barefoot, non-impact, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities.

Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.

One of my lovely Nia students sent me this email in June 2016:

3 years ago I stopped playing tennis due to severe arthritis in my fingers when I could no longer hold a racket. My acute osteoarthritis has long been a problem for my degenerating cervical discs and lumbar discs with scoliosis.

At the age of 77 I am practicing Nia 3 times a week and feel less pain than I have felt in many years. For me Nia is a joyful dance practice which provides great exercise for my entire body, it helps with my balance and is very uplifting for my spirit/emotional life as well.

A big Thank you to my Nia teachers. Lynne Coie.

And this one was sent to me in the end of June 2016:

I so enjoyed your class on Wednesday! My heart was melting in so much happiness at my homecoming to Nia that I felt in tears many times.  

I feel to mention how touched I am by the masterful way you teach. You have a lovely blend of power, love, intelligence, grace, joy and the innate knowing of how to transmit the magic of Nia to your students. I really understand the richness of the brown belt  level of Nia from your teaching, yet you bring your own maturity of spiritual practice and groundedness to what you do. What a joy to see a master in action, without ego or drama.

Looking forward to enjoying the dance with you again.


Sep 8, 2015 | Posted by | Comments Off on Nia Training
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