Messages from Animal Spirit Guides

Kaying on Long Pond Lake with a Cormorant

Bird Animal totems have been used symbolically within cultures throughout history. These totems or animal spirit guides serve as messengers and are with us throughout our physical and spiritual live to help us gain insights and self-awareness.

In the summer of 2015 a Cormorant visited me many times on my kayak on Long Pond Lake in Rhinebeck, NY.

Fishing Cormorant


Sometimes he would stay for an hour, drying himself and basking in the sun. He also showed me how he fished, diving deep.

It was a message for me to dive into what I have been hesitating about, to dive into the waters of life creatively and using my skills to achieve a task.

Animal Guides - The Cormorant



Cormorant watching eagle










One of those times an eagle soared above us, flying high and free. We both craned our necks to watch him. Eagle is the totem of freedom with powerful symbolic meaning of timing and victory. When eagle spirit guide appears it is a challenge to go deeper into your spiritual quest. Take your idea and bring it into reality. You must take action on your visions, this is your greatest destiny. Eagle takes you on a journey of flight which opens you to new vistas of perception and new dimensions of awareness.Animal Guides - The EagleI do believe in the ties between the natural and the spiritual realms and in animals as totems, as messengers and immediately dove deeper and took the workshop ‘Advanced Soul-Level Animal Communication’ with Danielle MacKinnon. It was a start to fine-tune my intuitive connection with animals and after many more workshops and books I’m on the journey to become a stronger, more confident animal communicator. I also have become a Shinpiden and Animal Reiki Teacher.



Sep 11, 2015 | Posted by | Comments Off on Messages from Animal Spirit Guides
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