Almost Summer Solstice 2016

Even though I won't be traveling much right now as I am committed to teaching Nia and Yoga throughout the summer, I still attempt to drift outside the standard comfort zone, so that I can continue to grow. The best experiences in life make us uncomfortable at first. But at some point the discomfort subsided and true living begins.

IMG_1907June Gloom is a southern California term for a weather pattern that results in cloudy, overcast skies with cool temperatures during the late spring and early summer …

It creates a certain mood and I surely can bundle up, but I have to admit that I prefer balmy weather (sometimes I miss Hawaii where I lived last year). Imagine my surprise exploring Kukio Bay on the Big Island and finding a Matilija Poppy growing out of the lava … a spectacular flowering California native plant … one of my favorites.




True to my bird animal totem ‘the Heron” I chose to have a variety of part-time assignments and projects instead of one routine job and I teach classes in various locations. This brings me in contact with people of all ages and walks of life. Taking care of animals gives me great joy. Dexter is one of the lucky ones. He was adopted by a lovely family and I stay with him when they go on a trip. Iris, a 5 year old Rottweiler is still waiting at DAWG.  She was initially barking up a storm when I approached her enclosure, but eventually settled in and soaked up the healing energy for a long time. I volunteer with a group who visits every other Saturday. May she be lucky as well!







Here are a few other recent charges … each one endowed with a unique personality, temperament and quirk:
This is Kona who I visit at the Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary in Summerland – she is delighted when I talk and sing with her and tends to rattle off her whole repertoire. Listen to her way of saying hello:

However … most of my time I devote to teaching Nia and learning more routines. I started to take classes in 1999 and have been teaching for over 10 years now. It is such a viable practice! I would like to quote one of my lovely students who just recently felt compelled to send a testimonial:

5 years ago I stopped playing tennis due to severe arthritis in my fingers when I could no longer hold a racket. My acute osteoarthritis has long been a problem for my degenerating cervical discs and lumbar discs with scoliosis.

At the age of 77 I am practicing Nia 3 times a week and feel less pain than I have felt in many years. For me Nia is a joyful dance practice which provides great exercise for my entire body, it helps with my balance and is very uplifting for my spirit/emotional life as well.

A big Thank you to my Nia teachers. Lynne Coie.

Jun 13, 2016 | Posted by in Blog, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Comments (One Response)

  1. Siobhan says:

    Wonderful, healing work. I can feel it through the web even!. Xxxx

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